Cassis FRANCE (near Marseilles)
JUNE 26-30, 2018

The 2018 Symposium was held in Cassis (France) (Near Marseilles)

(click on photo to see large version)

The local organizer was Jean-François Démonet, with the help of Dorothea Weniger.

The meeting was held in this beautiful town on the south
coast of France, not far from Marseilles.

Registered Participants (as of 15 May 2018).
PROGRAM [08 June 2018] NEW

The topics were:

  1. Multiple Systems for Spatial Perception and Action (Mickey Goldberg and Hans-Otto Karnath). (Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning)
    Marlene Behrmann (Carnegie Mellon)
    Suliann Ben-Hamed (CNRS Bron)
    Beth Buffalo (University of Washington)
    Mickey Goldberg (Columbia)
    Masud Husain (Oxford)
    Cliff Kentros (Norwegian University of Science & Technology)
    Barry Richmond (NIMH, Bethesda)
    Martin Rolfs (Berlin)
    Thomas Schenk (Munich)

  2. Sleep Processing Capabilities and Waking Cognition (Jan Born, Ken Paller and Philippe Peigneux) (Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning).
    Jan Born (Tübingen, Germany)
    Sara Mednick (USA)
    Delphine Oudiette (France)
    Philippe Peigneux (Belgium)
    Björn Rasch (Switzerland)
    Vlad Vyazovskiy (Oxford, UK)
  3. Action in the "We" Mode: Cognitive Functions of the Motor System (Vittorio Gallese and Eraldo Paulesu) (Friday morning, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning).
    Alessio Avenanti (Bologna, Italy)
    Alexandra Battaglia-Mayer (Rome, Italy)
    Cristina Becchio (Torino, Italy)
    Steve Butterfill (Warwick, UK)
    Luigi Cattaneo (Verona, Italy)
    Luciano Fadiga (Ferrara, Italy))
    Vasu Reddy (Portsmouth, UK)
    Natalie Sebanz (Budapest, Hungary)

Recent modifications
24 June 2017 - announce venue and topics
27 September - add speakers for the Space and "We" mode topics
28 September - add speakers
06 October - complete list of speakers
02 December - name correction
21 January 2018 - add information about hotels and registration
23 January - Name correction
22 February - new speaker
22 May 2018 - Add speaker
01 July 2018 - meeting complete and highly successful
04 July - add photo of participants